A Health Journey of Raw Eating

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Raw Chocolate Tart with Raspberries

OK guys. I cannot claim this recipe AT ALL. (Even though my cool points would go up by about a billion if I could) I found this tart recipe riiiiiight here: Raw Food/Real World: 100 Recipes to Get the Glow  
I am basically obsessed with this book, and it is one of the main books I go to for raw food recipes. The couple has inspired me immensely and their stories for eating raw are inspiring...so cheggitout. ;)

Anyways, this recipe is so delicious and has a rich chocolate creamy taste. It does take some time to make, so make it on a day that you're planning on staying home for a few hours.

You can add any fruit for a garnish that your tastebuds are craving.  My personal all-time  favorite combo is chocolate and raspberries...so raspberries it was. :)



3/4 cup cocoa
1/4 cup almond flour
1/2 cup maple syrup powder
1/4 cup coconut butter
Pinch of salt


Mix all ingredients in a bowl until a crust type mixture is formed. Press crust into a 9-inch tart pan (seen above). Press the dough until it forms a firm crust like shape. Place in the regrigerator and chill for 1 hour.


2 1/4 cups cocoa
2 1/4 cups maple syrup (I use 1/2 maple syrup and 1/2 agave nectar and it turned out just fine)
1 cup coconut butter


Mix the three ingredients in a blender until completely smooth. Make sure that the texture of the ganache is not grainy at all. Place on top of the chilled crust and spread until evenly designated over crust. Place in the regrigerator and chill for 3 hours.


1 cup raw cashews (soak for 4 hours)
1 cup coconut meat (the inside of a coconut)
1/2 cup filtered water
1/2 cup agave nectar
1/2 cup coconut butter
3 tablespoons vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Move the cream to a bowl once blended, and refrigerate until solid-roughly 2 hours. 


Cut the tart into 12 pieces and serve with a dallop of the vanilla cream and your favorite fruit on top.


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